Turaya Touch Level 1 Training

How do you take a quantum leap into your future?

Turaya Touch© is a powerful hands-on energy system that works at the cellular level, helping you go beyond nonproductive patterns so that you can live the truth in your own heart. Open the channel to bring your visionary ideas effortlessly into reality.

Denver, Colorado: October 25-27, 2024

If you are a visionary…

It sometimes feels like a race to the finish line of creation, doesn’t it? And this is inherently stressful if you are an innovator or a visionary. You get a new seedling idea and your inner response is to get nervous and anxious, to assume that this idea will probably be “stolen” like your other ideas. And this tension and restriction shuts down your creative channel, blocking you not only from creating this idea but also from birthing ANY of your creations into reality because you are shut down!

Instead, you can activate your connection with Creative Intelligence by receiving the Turaya initiations that will align you with your birthright: to be a creator with the higher intelligence that belongs to you.

Take your place in the rapidly accelerating consciousness that is happening on the planet today.

If you wish to create with this higher intelligence, you now have access to technologies like Turaya, to aid and assist you to accelerate the process of creation. This is available now because it meets the current shifts as they are happening globally. 

It’s time to create the future.

Turaya Touch© is a powerful hands-on energy system that works at the cellular level, helping you go beyond your old limiting programming, so that you can effortlessly create what is aligned with your own energy matrix and  with your purpose.

In a Turaya Touch©
Level 1 Training you will…

This training is for you…

I am an analytical person by nature, although certainly open to other kinds of experiences. However, I didn’t expect the level of ease and flow with how I’ve been able to come up with solutions to things that had seemed intractable. It’s like a spigot of ideas has been turned on, yet I am able to handle it with ease! – N.P.

Laurie created an environment, a space, to learn about Turaya energy in the context of being in the energies.  She is a gifted teacher – part educator, part guide, part mentor, and part student on her own journey.

My own experience of the class and receiving Turaya Touch was powerful. I did not have the intention of doing Turaya Touch sessions with people as a result of going down to Denver for the class and yet I left committed to bringing this practice to people in my life. – A. F.

I have used this energy with myself, my family, and with clients––one of whom was a young woman with Downs Syndrome who wouldn’t speak. Within a few sessions, she began speaking and became much more animated than she had been in months. – K.S.

I have been doing Turaya Touch for the last few years. During my class initiation I felt so humbled & blessed to be part of such an amazing energy experience. Through my breath & heart center I was connected to ONLY the highest of truth, love & knowledge. My inner truth, intuitive guidance & visions came with ease, as well as feeling the oneness & connection to all that is! I felt like I was birthing a new relationship between my higher self & source. – A.C.

The experience of the course will never leave me. It was both learning through experiencing and a deeper self-realization. There has been a shift in my own energy and perception of things through this class.

I have been running sessions and practicing Turaya Touch since. This class gives you the ability to let others experience the wonders of Turaya Touch and allow your own inner self exploration to go to a deeper level.     –  J.A.

Turaya Touch© allows you to nourish your community to bring a new dimension of healing, inner peace, self-love and a deep realization of the way in which we are all connected.

What if we all truly knew how connected we are with one another?

I’ve been giving Turaya Touch to my Mom to assist her in her time of transition. I noticed almost immediately how she was able to relax. She had been anxious. I watched her clenched fists release and her breathing relax. Now I want to see how I can start using Turaya Touch to give back to my community.            – C. M.

I have received individual sessions from Laurie, as well as nurturing myself and my daughters after taking the Turaya Touch class. Each time I go to a place of calm presence, finding a place of loving and appreciating life. From there, I am more available to listen to and care for myself and others. – C.B.

Details of the training:

Cost: $1497

Friday evening-Sunday afternoon 

Includes 3 monthly Deepen the Journey group calls with Laurie following the class.

Dates: October 25-27, 2024

Contact Laurie if you would like to host a Turaya Touch© class in your area.

NOTE: Turaya Touch© Level 2 classes are by invitation only. Contact Laurie for more information.

Have you been waiting a long time to create your new ideas with ease? To help your clients to open their full creative capacity?
Now is the time to activate and amplify your connection with the Creative Intelligence of the Universe. This is the moment. Are you ready?


Two-time international #1 bestselling author, host of the Wisdom Talk Radio podcast, Quantum Connection Mentor, international trainer and speaker, Laurie Seymour, M.A., is the founder and CEO of The Baca Institute. She has dedicated her life to showing you how to reliably connect with your energetic creative intelligence, dissolving old patterns of difficulty, struggle, and self-sabotage.

Over twenty-five years ago, Laurie was honored to be initiated as Turaya Grand Master. She has been teaching Turaya Meditation and Turaya Touch around the world ever since.

After twice leaving successful careers, first as a psychotherapist and trainer, and then as a Solutions Engineer in the telecom industry, Laurie founded The Baca Institute, to honor the twenty years of inner research she and a small group of intrepid explorers did in exploring human potential through activating new energy systems.

I’m sure you have questions.

I’d love to talk with you about the Quantum Co-Creation program! Complete the form below and I’ll be in touch to schedule a call.

Let's have a Quantum Connection call!

Please take just a few moments to let me know a bit about you.

This will help give our conversation focus, so that together we can focus on your “Right Fit” next step.

I’ll be in touch shortly to set up our Quantum Connection call. I’m really looking forward to it!