Complimentary Interactive Masterclass for the conscious business owner who is ready to develop your inner guidance as a reliable and sustainable resource for greater clarity, ease, and flow.

Complimentary Masterclass for the conscious co-creator who is ready to raise the level of their calling.


Learn the 3 keys to create a life-long sustainable foundation for running your business with less stress and greater clarity!

How to Activate Your Inner Guidance for Clarity in Your Decisions, Direction and Project Creation

Wednesday October 5th; 11AM PT/ Noon MT/1PM CT/2PM ET/7PM BST//8PM CEST/10PM GST/5AM AEDT

A new and updated complimentary Master Teaching from Laurie Seymour. This is a live on-line, interactive, high-touch class. Participants are limited to 14. Grab your spot now.

Click the button NOW to register and you will be sent your Zoom log-in link. Don’t delay as this is limited to 14 people. (If demand exceeds space, a second date will be added.)

As soon as you register, check your e-mail inbox for a confirmation email. (You’ll first need to confirm that you want  to register. Check your spam and promotions folders!)

Privacy notice: We NEVER sell, rent, or share your name or e-mail address.

  • What would it mean to your business and your life if you could trust your inner guidance, and not interrupt your flow with self-doubt?

  • How much more easily  would you be able to create?

  • How could you be of greater service to your clients (and serve more of them, too) without the effort that comes from repeating old ways of doing things that don’t get you where you want to be?

  • How would your profitability take a quantum leap?


This is what you will discover in this interactive class, How to Activate Your Inner Guidance for Clarity in Your Decisions, Direction and Project Creation.

  • Imagine old patterns of self-doubt and the fear of making the wrong decision disappear in the bright light of inner clarity.

  • Picture more time with your family because less of your business effort is taken up with distractions and dead ends.

  • See your idea taking form, feeling awe in the impact you make and the revenue you generate.


Join me live online on Wednesday, October 5th for an intimate and interactive opportunity to develop a new understanding of and access to your inner guidance.  So space is limited to 14 participants!

When you have access to your activated inner guidance, quantum leaps are how you live.

Because the world needs you and what you are here to do. Now more than ever.

I'm aware of when I agree or disagree—when I am aligned or not—with what is coming my way, be it an opportunity or a person.

What underpins everything else is that I know how to connect with myself inside. I feel deep love.

I deeply listen to myself and the energies that are there to support me and carry forward in my life.

I trust in the unknown, myself, and the inner voice guiding me through every aspect of my day.

Here Are the Details for This Webinar

When is it?

Wednesday, October 5th;


Where is it:

On Zoom. Join from your laptop/desktop/phone (link provided upon registration)

Who is doing it?

Presented by Laurie Seymour

Why do I need to be there?

Because you are ready to have old patterns of self-doubt and fear of making the wrong decision disappear in the bright light of inner clarity.

Please note that space is very limited in this masterclass. Don’t wait to sign-up to guarantee your spot! 

Click the button NOW to register and you will be sent the  Zoom log-in link. 

As soon as you register, check your e-mail inbox. You’ll need to confirm that you want  to sign-up. (Check your spam or promotions folder for this.)

About Laurie Seymour

Laurie Seymour has dedicated her life to activating people’s deep inner connection with their own inner guidance system, so that they can live life in flow. She is a transformational leader, founder and host of the popular Wisdom Talk Radio podcast, and founder and CEO of The Baca Institute.

As a Quantum Connection Mentor, Laurie teaches you how to activate your inner guidance for true clarity in your decisions, direction, and project creation.

With an unusual career trajectory, she brings thirty-five years of experience first as a psychotherapist, consultant, and trainer, and then as a technology solutions engineer, to help you leverage your innate creative intelligence to have quantum connections in all  your relationships, most importantly, the one you have with yourself. Almost 25 years ago she was initiated as Turaya Grand Master, deeply honored to receive the stewardship of this special energetic technology that accelerates the process of inner connection and quantum creation.

Laurie is a contributing author of two International #1 best-selling personal development books and has been quoted and interviewed in numerous publications, podcasts, and radio programs.

After more than 25 years of working with conscious business owners and visionaries like you, the thing I see that stops these massive ideas that the universe shows you to deliver, is the fear of doing it alone. We are living in times that require a different kind of commitment and willingness to act. So, if the universe chose you at this specific time, it’s so that you could become a pioneer for the world.

This is my highest mission, to help people like you not struggle, not block your momentum and to get rid of overwhelm; so that you can fluidly and effortlessly bring your ideas that have the highest vibration into action.

WARNING: This is a live on-line, interactive, high-touch class. Participants are limited to 14. Don’t wait to grab your spot now.

I’m sure you have questions.

I’d love to talk with you about the Quantum Co-Creation program! Complete the form below and I’ll be in touch to schedule a call.

Let's have a Quantum Connection call!

Please take just a few moments to let me know a bit about you.

This will help give our conversation focus, so that together we can focus on your “Right Fit” next step.

I’ll be in touch shortly to set up our Quantum Connection call. I’m really looking forward to it!