Key to Choiceful Responses? It’s the Feeling Body.

Feeling BodyDoes this sound familiar?

Every day you juggle the demands of family, job and social commitments.

You crave more time to take care of your personal wants and needs. 

You feel like you can’t attend to any of what’s needed with grace.

Of course these apparently competing demands (they do feel like that, don’t they?) create stress. That stress creates a feeling of discomfort in your body.

Here is why. You experience discomfort when there is energy that is blocked in the body, when energy is not allowed to flow and have expression. When discomfort is left to continue unattended, it eventually leads to disease.  Disease starts as “dis-ease”—a lack of ease or flow.

When I get caught up in the whirlwind that I used to create of my life, I lose touch with what my heart wants moment-to-moment.  Without this inner connection, I don’t make decisions that are aligned with my values and intentions.

Is this what you do? It can become your usual way of being.

Control gone awry

Notice if you want to control situations when you are uncomfortable or feel afraid. Even though it may feel otherwise, the truth is, when you are trying to control, you have no freedom to respond—with awareness—to the situation. You can only react, from your patterns.

And when the body is tense, it is difficult for new information to be received.

The Power of the Feeling Body

If you want to maintain your well-being, take time to get to know your inner world.  Spend time in the quiet. Explore. This allows new dimensions to open up within you.

You experience the quality of your inner environment through awareness of the feeling body.  The feeling body is that part of you that feels or senses where your body is tight, where there is a sense of expansiveness, where energy is moving or where it is blocked. Your feeling body gives you signals or clues about what is going on both within you and in your outer environment.

As you become sensitive to these signals you start to relate to them as the inner guidance that brings you harmony and balance.

It is only when the body is relaxed that you can connect with the inner resources that can guide you in the day-to-day situations that occur in your life. As your body finds relaxation, your sensitivity to the feeling body expands and develops.  You begin to experience new insight into yourself and those around you.

Only then you can surrender to the strength that lies within you—your Inner Guidance.

Isn’t this what you want?

Ready to have a Quantum Connection call with me and explore where you’ve been (and illuminate where you’re heading)? Reach out to me here to schedule a complimentary session. This will guide us on how to move forward, together.



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3 Responses

  1. What a simple, clear, and precise description of this amazing aspect of being human — for me, you bring to focus a number of things. Your words remind me to be grateful for this incredible gift of my body, which can be the vehicle for me to access the entire universe. Your words bring to mind all the ways that it is possible to gain this access — from simply turning my attention inward, to focusing on my breath, meditation, movement that aligns my body to the flow of energy, chanting and singing, and so many more. Your words remind me that all I really have to do is relax and receive all that is offered me in each moment. That the teacher is always there for me, ready for me to open to the experience of truth that is possible. Thank you.

  2. Hi Ellen,

    Thanks for adding some of the ways that we can access our inner wisdom through the body. Awareness is the key and the development of that awareness is what it’s all about! I, too, am continually grateful for the ever-present teacher who connects us with all there is—just a breath away.

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