“The hero-deed is a continuous shattering of the crystallizations of the moment.”
~ Joseph Campbell
Do you consider yourself a hero? Yes? No?
What does that question mean to you? Well, let me ask you this instead: Have you been hearing an inner call? Something that tugs at your awareness—saying that you must pay attention?
Let me explain. The universal myth of the Hero’s Journey is the quintessential story of the search for self. The journey begins with receiving an inner “call to adventure.” This often manifests as something in your life that is unexpected, or even as a situation that feels threatening.
The journey continues as you do battle with your inner dragons, cross wind-swept pathways over raging rivers and traverse unknown lands.
Your journey culminates in Initiation, receiving inner knowledge to be expressed and shared with the world.
Self-Stories That Block Your Potential
The stories that you tell yourself about who you are directly impact how you traverse this journey.
What is the story you tell yourself?
Listen to your inner dialogue. It can tell you a lot about your “self-stories.” Self-stories carry the template that you embody with your beliefs and your day-to-day actions.
Notice if your life story has been scripted to follow your understanding of others’ expectations. Were you motivated to adopt your script to get someone’s approval? Sometimes you assume stories that don’t necessarily fit your beliefs. Eventually that story becomes your truth, a self-story formed by constriction.
What is your story?
You already know there is more to life and more to understand about yourself.
In order to access that, you must be willing to leave what you know—or think you know, setting off for unknown lands without real knowledge of either the destination or the outcome. You become both the explorer and the researcher. Your field is yourself; your reward is the essence of who you are.
Becoming the Hero of Your Story
It is so important to discover your real story. Take a moment right now to see if the one you’ve been telling yourself feels true. Remember that your feeling body is your key for discerning that. Use your body as a barometer to see what resonates.
All of your life experiences till now are part of your journey. They are the challenges and the initiations. They seed your message, that which you are to share with the world.
Claim authorship of your own story. Become your own hero. Begin a new story-line. Write a new chapter. Add new characters. Most important of all, see yourself as the hero of your life. If not you, who else would it be? The Hero’s voice is unique. Discover the truth of who you are as life continues to unfold.
Your experiences to come? They will become a part of your story as well.
Take Time to Reflect
Take a breath. Release it. Take another. Devote some dedicated time of concentration/meditation after you read this. It doesn’t need to be hours of quiet, perhaps only 15 minutes, or 5. Then allow the question to simmer within you. Let responses bubble up into your awareness. Notice new ways of thinking, of images or ideas that arise spontaneously. Pay attention to your dreams. Let it happen. Be aware. See where it leads you next. Let yourself savor this process of receiving from yourself. Don’t judge whatever comes up, just receive it. Make notes.
You may want to share something from this process. Sharing anchors insight in your body. It leads you to deeper insight. It stimulates action.
Scroll down and add your experience. I’d love to hear from you!
10 Responses
Yes, I can feel freedom when I begin to question the story I am telling myself. Is it really true. And I become the heroine of my own story when I dismantle one that is no longer true and rebuild it to align with that which I feel to be true in my heart and soul.
Thanks Nadia! That’s when you really claim your life: what you feel in your heart and soul.
I am so inspired to write my story! I know there is real power in this. Thank you!
Questioning “the stories” has been a very important part of a healing journey. Thanks.
Wonderful Deserie! There is indeed exquisite power in writing and living your story. Nobody else can do it!
Andrea–It allows you to discover/create your “true story”, doesn’t it?
You had me with your opening line! Perfectly inspiring!
Thanks, Sheila. Glad you were inspired!
The image that goes along with this post is beautiful and captivating! Thank you for sharing this post and reminding me of the importance or truly owning ALL parts of ourselves.