Shed the Shadows. Step Forward. It’s Time to Shine!

shed the shadows“There is no going back and your attachments will only weigh you down and keep you from the higher centered experiences that offer inspiration for creating something new and wonderful in your life.”   ~ Lena Stevens

You’ve kept yourself quiet, hiding out in the shadows.

And when you do emerge, you settle for showing a shrouded representation of yourself.

But you have things you want to do, ideas to enact, visions to manifest. Yet you hesitate, unsure if you really have something to add to what has already been said. Doubtful that your voice will really make a difference.

I’d been hiding out, too. Showing up in the shadows, unwilling to shine alone, fully in my own expression. My dream had been to share the spotlight with others. Because my vision has always been rooted in community.

Gratefully, I’ve had company along the way. But I’ve also been waiting for others to be committed in the ways that I am, to jump in and manifest a massive vision and oh, by the way, let’s do it today, never mind that your life has a different trajectory than mine.

The truth is that the waiting around has been intensely uncomfortable for me. I have put myself on hold without acknowledging the cost. My life force on hold! That’s like constantly revving the jet engine with your foot stomped on the brakes. Eventually something burns up. The body suffers.

Your Life on Hold

Have you been waiting for someone else to act so that you can take your place? Have you put your life on hold?

Are you hiding out in the shadows, settling for an edited picture of what your life could hold? Have you made yourself smaller to accommodate your situation…or another person?

Maybe you’re wary of disturbing the status quo. But no matter what you tell yourself, it isn’t easier to just go along for the ride. The price is simply too high to call that easy or comfortable. Your unused voice grows hoarse, your creativity has no venue for expression and life becomes monotone shades of gray. Even with 50 shades, they are all still gray.

It’s time to change the situation, not shrink your picture!

Shed the Shadows

“Observe and witness your tendency to define who you are today based on your past experiences. Let go of the need to ‘heal’ old emotional wounds in the old method of re-hashing, re-living, and analyzing what happened, what should have happened and why you are not living the life you want.

Move to neutrality and LET GO. This will free you up for something new and wonderful.”  ~ Sarah Varcas

meditation april 10Take a deep breath. Fill your body with the life force that is as equally available to you as it is to everyone else. Remember that this life force has an expression that is unique to you, something that is elemental to your being and can only be done by you.

Here is the key. It can only be discovered when you are willing to step out of the shadows—when you have the courage to step into the spotlight, alone, trembling, unsure if anyone wants to listen to what you have to say.

The spotlight shines on the stage of life.

This is your life, your stage and your time.  It’s not next year, or sometime when, or only if. And you really don’t need someone to hold your hand when you’re on stage (although it’s wonderfully rich to have a passel of people in your corner, cheering you on).

Shining a Light on Your Vision

Even if your dream is about community, the truth is that you have a singular vision that no one other than you can manifest.

How can you move forward in a way that honors the whole? Let yourself become fully visible. Because sharing yourself is a gift that only you can give. Then, when you shine, others are drawn.

Shed the shadows. Breathe in the light. How are you willing to shine today?

Scroll down and add your experience. We’d love to hear from you!

Ready to have a virtual cup of tea with me and discover your “Right Fit” next step? Reach out to me here to schedule a complimentary introductory session


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20 Responses

  1. This Friday focus does resonate with me. I am very afraid of putting myself in uncomfortable situations. I think it is important for me to overcome this fear and go for it. It is especially relevant for me trying to build a business, and not putting myself out there enough. Thanks for providing reminders, it really helps.

    1. Thank you for sharing yourself, Lisa. Uncertainty and fear are often with us when we move out of the shadows. How beautiful that you are moving anyway! The more we trust, the more guidance is provided.

  2. Laura, what a lovely blog post. It was a long battle to step out of the shadows. I was so good at hiding there that most people thought I did a pretty good job of being out in the open. Ha! And while I still struggle from time to time, identifying my wants, setting intentions, taking action and “move to neutrality and LET GO” are my “shadow slayers” of choice. 🙂

  3. I am out of the shadows, but still doing the work on acceptance both of myself and others when I’m no longer interested in people pleasing. 🙂

  4. I love how you are sharing your transformation with such passion and transparency, using yourself and your wisdom to make it easier for others. I’ve been hiding out too, but I’m gaining courage from you. 🙂

  5. Hi Laurie,

    Once upon a time, I dimmed my light so another could feel better about himself. That got me NOWHERE and Divorced anyway.

    So…my light shines with or without someone else. I will never again hide in the shadows or turn off my light. I do no one any good, especially me, if I go dim.


  6. Laurie,

    I do believe that sometimes we (myself included) have at times felt “safer” to be in the shadows or as some call, the comfort zone. But when we (myself included) expand our mind, body and spirit outside the shadows we open ourselves to experience AH-mazing things we didn’t even know. Since becoming an entrepreneur, I had found my true life purpose and live it more and more every day.

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