What is your vision for your life?
Do you know? Do you have one?
Is it important?
You could walk through life with blinders, reacting to what comes, ignoring the options that continually present themselves for self-discovery and claiming who you are. If your scope of vision is focused on what lies directly in front of you, then anything outside of that will be as if it did not exist.
But that isn’t what you want, is it?
Vision or Agenda?
As you move through life, your pictures need to be dynamic, alive with the unknown. Because once a picture becomes static, it is then an agenda instead of a vision. As you seek to maintain the agenda, control becomes the operant force. Timing is imposed, rather than allowed to unfold.
Different Day, Different Steps
Here is why this is important. The steps to realize your vision may be quite different in this moment from what they were yesterday.
So be deliberate with your dream, yet still notice what sparkles in your peripheral vision. Where you had been laser-focused in taking action, become aware when your expectations and agendas are suffocating your inspiration. An over-abundance of focus will block what could be even better than your original picture.
Being conscious, becoming self-aware, is a choice you actively make in each moment. It is not automatic.
Become conscientious in your consciousness journey. That’s a mouthful, I know. But it’s not about working hard, or about trying to do something. Instead, be gentle in your approach with yourself. Keep an open focus that allows new possibilities to come into your view.
The future is based on your visions. Do you allow them to evolve? Do you actively participate in them?
Notice what happens when you do!
Reflection Time
Take a breath. Release it. Take another. Devote some dedicated time of concentration/meditation. It doesn’t need to be hours of quiet, perhaps only 15 minutes. Then allow the question to simmer within you. Let responses bubble up into your awareness. Notice new ways of thinking, of images or ideas that arise spontaneously. Pay attention to your dreams. Let it happen. Be aware. See where it leads you next. Let yourself savor this process of receiving from yourself. Don’t judge whatever comes up, just receive it. Make notes.
Feel free to share something from this process. Giving voice to your experience is an important way to anchor an insight in your body. It leads you to deeper insight. It stimulates action. And it can also point the way to a new direction for someone else!
Do you want to know more about how to thrive with your Quantum Connection? Schedule a Quantum Connection call with me. Discover your “Right Fit” next step. Reach out to me here to schedule a complimentary introductory session.