I’m in the midst of my own journey through the “crossroads of civilization,” Turkey. My experiences have been unlocking new dimensions that I’ll share with you when I return. In the meantime, this week’s Friday Focus is a replay from December, 2013. It connects with the theme of these past weeks on new stages and next steps.
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The horizon is defined as the “line in the farthest distance where the land or sea seems to meet the sky.” For the individual, it is “the range or limits of somebody’s interests, knowledge, or experience.” The horizon is visible. It represents what is known or manifest. It does not, however, define the limit of what exists or of what is possible. The earth continues beyond what you can see. There is always an unexplored “new land” within you.
Do you consider your picture of yourself complete or ever-evolving? Perhaps you have come to the completion of one vision and are ready to expand into a new direction. Is it time to tap innate abilities within you that have not had room for expression?
Accuracy or limitation?
Is your picture accurate? If your horizon is based on a limited self-definition, with concepts that are false, then your horizon is artificially adopted. You may be content with things as they are. But are you satisfied? Do you feel a sense of joy? Are you growing and expanding in what you are doing? Do you feel an inner desire for what is next?
The foundation you have built for your life can be your springboard. Built on the past, it contains aspects from the environment in which you were raised, all you have learned and the paths you chose to walk. If you want something new, your foundation needs to orient towards the future. When you are willing to explore the unknown, you don’t get trapped in the status quo. You take what you already know and allow your inner landscape to be shaken up. An idea arises within you and you allow it to open new avenues to traverse. As you take action that idea acts like a magnet to attract other ideas until a whole fresh vision unfolds.
Life is full of mystery waiting to be revealed. It is limitless, continually expanding as you embrace it.
Are you ready to step into what lies beyond your horizon?
Going Deeper
Take a breath. Release it. Take another. Devote some dedicated time of concentration/meditation. It doesn’t need to be hours of quiet, perhaps only 15 minutes. Then allow the question to simmer within you through the weekend. Let responses bubble up into your awareness. Notice new ways of thinking, of images or ideas that arise spontaneously. Pay attention to your dreams. Let it happen. Be aware. See where it leads you next. Let yourself savor this process of receiving from yourself. Don’t judge whatever comes up, just receive it. Make notes.
You may want to share something from this process. Sharing is an important way to anchor an insight in your body. It leads you to deeper insight. It stimulates action.
Scroll down and add your comments. We’d love to hear from you!