What If We Pursued Our Dreams into Reality?

early ford carHenry Ford’s dream was to build a car that every man could afford. This idea had its limits because he believed there was only one car, in one color with no options. Can you imagine how that vision would have played out if other people had not been involved? The vision was singular in its nature and revolutionary in its execution. Executing this idea also led to the production process known as the assembly line.

No matter how much Henry Ford disliked and resisted the design of other car models and other product lines, Ford Motor Car has become legendary with designs such as the Ford Mustang, Lincoln Continental and Mercury Sable. Each car made their division of Ford stellar, and the public waited for the next generation of the same vehicle with great anticipation.

Only Vanilla?

Can you imagine where Ford Motor Car would be today if they only manufactured a single model car in one color?  The most obvious point has to do with how a single vision manifested and grew because other influences demanded change. People wanted individuality in each of the models and brands. The evolution of the automobile expanded, contracted and expanded again. This change was corporately driven by the visionaries at the top and executed by designers following orders. Dreams begat new dreams.

Our dreams represent the freedom to create. We have an idea which surfaces because of a need. Like you, I have ideas that manifest and many that do not. My ideas do not take form unless I direct energy into those thoughts and follow them up with actions that support its development.

The chances of an idea or dream becoming a reality do not happen unless we have a feeling and take continuous action.  Knowledge and drive come into play as we focus and make the vision a priority.

Expand Your View

Exploring, participating and discerning are all key elements in the success of our desired manifestations. Exploring requires an expanded view. Participating requires the involvement of others. Discernment allows us to sort out the direction.

Every element acts together allowing us to build our dreams with or without limits.  When our focus becomes narrow, the results become limited.

Expanding our focus brings more participation not only from the physical world but from the ethers, where additional support comes in the form of complimentary ideas, an expanded vision and what I refer to as, happy accidents. The happy accidents and mysterious coincidences direct us through obscurity and set us on a path reinforcing our dreams.

dreamsLast year, I began researching the purchase of a home in Florida. The idea surfaced when I was assisting friends with a problem real estate transaction.  As we worked through the transaction, my friends started sharing their vision of purchasing a home in Florida.  Something in me resonated and I began doing my own research internally and then on the internet.  My research deepened when I asked myself questions to refine my vision and needs.  The more I questioned myself, the more the vision began to unfold, and clarity emerged.

What started as a vision to purchase a one-bedroom condo evolved into the purchase of a three bedroom single family home. After spending two months in Florida, my short-term view expanded. The original vision of having a vacation home has since evolved into moving to Florida as my next full-time residence.

Now I’m in the transition process to complete this unexpected dream!

Inner Knowing and Willingness are Required

When I review the elements from the initiation of this idea to its manifestation, it has been a swift and smooth adventure. As the vision changed, I was willing to let go of my initial vision and see what the new information revealed. There were moments of upset, as change always brings up emotion. I am letting go of a successful business, a wonderful home and moving away from friends and family.

My inner knowing and willingness to make changes allows these steps to take place.  If I were not willing to move with the vision or placed conditions on it, the dream may have taken years to become a reality.  What started as a short term dream has now become a reality. My decision in March led to the listing of my home in June which will likely allow a move in October!

The navigating and negotiating of this dream have allowed me to orient to my dream all along the way.  It is crucial to realize these changes have occupied my focus every day since the decision to move became evident in March.

Change —> Questions

Of course, change leads to other questions.  In my case, there is quite a laundry list…

To reframe these questions so they are adaptable to your dream, consider:

  1. What is the purpose in my dream?
  2. What is new about my dream today?
  3. What are the steps I am needing to take regarding the dream?
  4. What is the result I am anticipating?
  5. Am I willing to act and to keep the vision flexible?
  6. Am I willing to allow other ideas to surface or have I closed my mind to enforce my vision of the dream?
  7. Do I have the ability to follow through with the vision or do I need other knowledge or experience?
  8. Am I willing to be relaxed and acknowledge the process without only focusing on the end result?
  9. Do I have an agenda or motives that are part of the dream?
  10.  How does my body feel in relation to the dream?

Remember, a door cannot open unless we are willing to turn the knob! Ready?


Ready to have a virtual cup of tea with Laurie and talk about where you’ve been (and where you’re dreams are taking you)? Reach out to her here to schedule a complimentary session


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2 Responses

  1. The moment you open your door into consciousness,your earth life dream begins,!your true reality ,that, which substands the manifested form,resides on the third OCTAVE,and observes and weighs,!

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