When you look for it, beauty can appear almost anywhere.
It’s impact on your well-being is profound. Why? Because everything in life has a vibration or frequency resonance. Your personal vibration changes when you attune yourself to something that you experience as beautiful. Your cells begin to resonate with a new coherence.
This is where vibrant health and inner peace begins.
Memory of beauty works, too
Consider what happens when you immerse yourself in the vibrancy of a sunset, or the majesty of a Beethoven symphony. Take a few moments to remember how that feels. Notice that your energy shifts, simply from being with the memory. Your “inner picture” of the event and how it felt has impact!
Look around you. What of the environment that you create as your home? Does it bring you a feeling of peace, of joy?
What of your inner environment — your thoughts? As you bring attention to the beauty available in the immediacy of your life, a new vibration takes root. There is an inner embrace of something that is personal yet extends beyond you. This is where inner peace becomes outer peace.
Feel the impact in your own system—your body.
Where do you find beauty in your life? Where do you allow it? Can you breathe it in?
“There is nothing that makes its way more directly to the soul than beauty.”
~ Joseph Addison
Time to Reflect
Take a breath. Release it. Take another. Devote some dedicated time of concentration/meditation. It doesn’t need to be hours of quiet, perhaps only 15 minutes. Then allow the question to simmer within you through the weekend. Let responses bubble up into your awareness. Notice new ways of thinking, of images or ideas that arise spontaneously. Pay attention to your dreams. Let it happen. Be aware. See where it leads you next. Let yourself savor this process of receiving from yourself. Don’t judge whatever comes up, just receive it. Make notes.
You may want to share something from this process. Sharing can be an important way to anchor an insight in your body. It can lead you to deeper insight. It can stimulate action. Feel free to use this arena to share whatever moves you.
2 Responses
Really enjoyed reading this document of good things for all. Please keep on doing these writings.
Roy C.
Thank you, Roy!