Author: Laurie Seymour

Your Soul Mission: a Conversation with Dr. Paul Hannah

In my own journey, remembering the truth of who I am has been the foundation for living my purpose. In the 35 years that I have been teaching and mentoring others, facilitating this remembrance has been the quantum leap that brings everything else that people say that they want: abundance, love, joy, health, sense of purpose, clarity, ease. My guest today is all about going beyond what we thought we knew, to claim the fullness of what is possible. Stay tuned!

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Radical Responsibility: a Conversation with Fleet Maull

Freedom is often something we say we want, with the implication being that we don’t have it. We aren’t free, because of x, y, or z. Then we look outside ourselves to find fault, laying the blame for our situation (whatever that may be) out there. When nothing changes, the ego is safe in the notion that the situation isn’t our fault. The means to change it isn’t in our hands. So, the cycle continues. The realm of possibility isn’t entered. What is possible, though? Stay tuned to find out with my guest today, Fleet Maull.

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Relishing Life’s Anomalies: a Conversation With Justin Gold

What does success mean to you? Does it include the way in which you live your life? If you see yourself as part of the human “family,” then how is your success both a part of that, and a reflection of that? Having been on both sides of the spiritual student and teacher relationship, I’m excited to welcome a spiritual master, Justin Gold, to Wisdom Talk Radio to share himself.

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resonant life

Unlock the Power of Your Heart’s Resonance to Live Your Full Self

Resonance is a powerful force that can help you live a fulfilling life by tapping into your true potential. It occurs when your thoughts, emotions, and actions are in alignment, creating a powerful energetic field that attracts similar frequencies. Listening to your inner wisdom, which is accessed through the heart, is an essential part of experiencing resonance. By connecting with your inner resonance, you are guided towards your true purpose in life. To get started, cultivate self-awareness by setting aside time for self-reflection and being fully present in the moment. Listen to your inner senses, trust your inner guidance, and surround yourself with people who resonate with you. When you know what and who you resonate with, you make better decisions and choose the path that aligns with the truth of who you are. Let resonance be your compass.

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Inner Medicine: a Conversation with Kerri Hummingbird Sami

My guest today is one of the most courageous people I know. Not because she climbs the sheer faces of mountains, or bungee jumps off rocky cliffs. It’s because her commitment to her own deep personal exploration shines so brightly that we can’t help but be inspired to do the same. The result? Standing firmly in the truth of who we are. This is how we together, create the new earth. She is a leading voice in this wave.

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The Way of the Wild Goose: a Conversation with Beebe Bahrami

The exploration of the unknown has always drawn me. So, for me, travel has always been one of the ways that I find a deeper connection to myself and to my place in the world. Courage, trust, willingness are all needed, sometimes in multiples! Travel gives us a mirror to discover who we are. Today I’ve invited my friend Beebe Bahrami back to Wisdom Talk Radio because she has written a wonderful new book called The Way of the Wild Goose that profoundly captures this essence in her journey.

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We Can Make the Change: a Conversation with Dawn Kohler

Many of us have had experiences that are not only inexplicable but change the trajectory of our life in ways that we don’t immediately understand and cannot predict the outcome. Sometimes they presage a change of a magnitude that would be unthinkable and unmanageable if we knew what was ahead. What if that experience was a calling to a greater life? My guest today is here to not only share her experience of this, but to invite you into a greater life.

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Turaya Meditation Package

Includes 1 Video and 5 Audio Recordings

Each audio session includes a talk and a meditation session.

The secret to profitability and more time with loved ones starts here!

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Bundle Includes: • A free copy of the 7-day mini-course: 7 Awareness-Provoking Experiences • The 4-part Quantum Connection series

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