Let’s get real. The truth about intuition and inner guidance

It’s a sign! I’m sure of it. Well, maybe. Um, but what does it mean?

How often have you had something “show up” in your life and you are sure it has a special meaning. You already know what you want it to mean. But that’s not necessarily the same thing.

Or you wait for a sign to show you which way to go.  And you wait and wait and then you wait some more.

Or you are in the flow of the moment. And then your thoughts interrupt with questions. You doubt the ease of it all. That old belief kicks in: “it has to be hard to be real.”

Today I want to talk about another belief that I want to kick to the curb.  

Receiving inner guidance does not require you to wait for a special sign from the Universe.

That’s only one of the countless ways that the Universe works.  Why? Because everything in the Universe is interconnected and in constant communication.

Sure, a sign may appear. However, you are a co-creator with the Universe. So, you don’t have to wait for either guidance or inspiration to appear.

You can ask for it. Moment by moment. Step by step. And then get quiet enough to receive it. 

What are the conditions to accelerate your inner guidance? How do you use it in your life (which, by the way, includes your business!). What makes it worthy of your trust?

The recent Nobel prize to three physicists for their research in Quantum Entanglement gives another layer to the ongoing conversation about how you pick up or “receive” information outside of what you perceive with your 5 senses. They are things that are outside of your immediate awareness. Yet they available to tune into. 

Asking for the guidance you need takes practice, focus and willingness to step beyond what you already know. You don’t need to wait for intuition to appear.

The Universe is waiting for you to be curious enough to ask.

Discover your Quantum Connection Style! (QUIZ)

The first step of mastering your Quantum Connection is to know your natural style of being in the world.

We are each designed to connect differently with the Creative Universe, with Source. Knowing your style is the first step of aligning with your inner guidance at a deeper level than you ever thought you could. It’s the secret to creating what you really want in your life, in business, relationships, financial abundance, career or impact.

Click here to go directly to the quiz: Quantum Connection Quiz 


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