Once inspiration delivers you a great idea, is that it? Is its usefulness complete?
Inspiration is one expression of your inner guidance system. However, your inner guidance system, showing up as inspiration, intuition, or gut instinct, isn’t just for receiving new ideas. It informs your decisions and actions, for everything from choosing your team to finding new funding options.
Have you ever experienced a “chance” encounter that opened the door to a fruitful opportunity? That’s you following your inner “nudge”.
How often do you do follow your instinct without realizing that this is part of your inner guidance system?
What if you practiced doing this? The first step is to pay attention to where you are drawn. What calls to you? You might have a dream, an idea that comes to you in the shower, or an inclination to call someone who just popped into your thoughts.
When you keep inspiration alive, you create the energetic pathway for the necessary elements to appear.
Vision or Agenda?
Then, as you move through life, your pictures of what you want to create can be dynamic, alive with possibility. Because if your picture is static, it becomes an agenda instead of a vision. As you seek to maintain the agenda, control sets in. You impose timing, rather than listen for “right timing.”
Be deliberate with realizing your idea, yet still notice what sparkles in the periphery. Where you had been laser-focused in acting, become aware when your expectations and agendas are suffocating your inspiration. An over-abundance of focus will block what could be even better than your original picture.
Balance and flow: it’s a dance.
Do you keep the energy of inspiration alive, aligning with your inner guidance, through the process of implementation? Then you stay in flow with the creative field of potentiality.
That’s where magic happens.
Feature Photo Credit: Visual Hunt.com

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Why would you want to know that? Because trying to innovate in ways that fight your natural way of creating, could be what’s standing in the way of turning your ideas into reality. Click here to take the quiz now: Creative Innovator Quiz