Color, light, composition and interaction all address aspects of what we feel when we receive beauty. No matter where we turn, there is beauty that reminds us of something or someone special in our lives. Beauty can be tangible or not. When we notice beauty, our lives are enriched. This is a topic near and dear to my heart as I have always been a transformer.
One of my natural gifts is to transform a blank canvas into a meaningful interaction. The mood created can be fun and upbeat, peaceful and relaxing or vibrant and exciting. Many think I am an artist; I consider it one of my many expressions in life. I am constantly given the opportunity to build environments ranging from an empty home to the set of a local theatre. There is a chemical interaction that occurs within me as I create. The vision may start out small but it grows and modifies as the setting develops. Each project builds upon another, just like many aspects of life. It is a creative adventure!
Creative adventures exist in everyone’s life. The more creatively stimulated we become, the more experience develops with creative thought and action. Beauty is not only expressed through the process, but in the final result. As long as we embrace our creation, it nurtures us and delivers us to the next level of our evolution. There is a new presence of Self as creativity stimulates our senses and we interact with beauty.
Time and time again I have heard people say that I am creative and they are not. I have never bought into this story! Every person is creative in their own way. Just as we create differently, we recognize beauty in many, many ways. Consider what stimulates you in life that relates to beauty. For the businessman it may be the art of deal making just as for the carpenter it may be the carving of fine furniture. Either way, creativity is embraced in beauty.
When I think of beauty, my mind naturally goes to the aspects of everyday life I enjoy. I love to watch the sunrise and look forward to sunset. The colors, shapes and dimensions fill me with beauty. When I watch a child play, a dog catch a ball or a quick glance that catches an adult’s smile at a child, beauty imbeds itself within me. I love the spontaneity, the next moment when creative change occurs. It reminds me of how life works!
Now, let’s smell the flowers! Each day I take advantage of sunrise while walking the dogs. It is as if I breathe in the light, color and texture. My day is welcomed by beauty. Often during my day, I get into busyness and lose sight of nature’s nurturing quality. If I have been so wrapped up in busyness that I lose myself in detail, I look forward to the sunset, to the uniqueness and spectacular color. This brings me right back to calm, quiet and peace.
What reminds you of life’s beauty? Do you intentionally remember the beauty inherent in living? How does beauty interact with your creative life force?