How concern gets in the way of your freedom
Concern is not a caring thing. There, I said it. Concern so often masquerades as care. It’s a form of civilized worry, dressed up to look
Concern is not a caring thing. There, I said it. Concern so often masquerades as care. It’s a form of civilized worry, dressed up to look
You’ve just had a fall. An accident. You’re shocked, maybe even in need of medical attention. After you’ve picked yourself up and attended to yourself as needed,
What’s happening with me? Why can’t I focus? How come I don’t seem to be able to get it together? Ever ask yourself these kinds
What if life were truly fresh in every moment? You would approach daily life as if everything were new, unexplored and exciting. For this to
How do you become new when there is so much that is old cluttering the ground around you? You’re ready to let go of your
This week’s Friday Focus arrives to you from the air over France… I planned to write a new question, but I was delayed by the
What is it about being disciplined that makes it seem so difficult? Discipline is defined as: 1) Control gained by enforcing obedience or order; 2) Orderly or prescribed conduct
Truth time, straight up. Do you allow others’ opinion of you to affect how you feel about yourself? It can make you feel crazy, can’t it?
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” ~ Walt Disney Curiosity
Are you willing to take a quantum leap in your life? What would that look like? Ask yourself if your dreams are built from an
What's Your Quantum Connection Style?
Take the Quiz and find out!
This will help give our conversation focus, so that together we can focus on your “Right Fit” next step.
I’ll be in touch shortly to set up our Quantum Connection call. I’m really looking forward to it!