Why is now the time to remember your magnificent truth?

Do you long to remember something that feels just out of your reach?

Take a look.

What’s that in your Amazon Cart? An invisibility cloak? Or a visibility cape?  I’ll wait a moment while you check.

rememberI remember the days I’d give anything to have Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak in my back pocket. My desire was to slip about unnoticed and protected.

These days, when I’m feeling energetically raw, or been riding the white waters of change, an invisibility cloak feels like just the thing.

But after a while (and that bit gets shorter and shorter) the cloak starts to itch and feel sticky. I’m ready to rip it off like a bandage that’s caught on an old wound.

But conditioning runs deep. Habits strangle, even ones that once seemed so necessary.

Maybe I need to remain invisible. I can go about, moving into spaces others cannot, because nobody notices me. There’s nobody to stop me. I can do what I want without fear of being judged.

Nobody to stop me—except me

Oh yes. I see.

Here is what I realized.

There has NEVER been anybody to stop me. It’s always been my own internal pulling back. I got used to disappearing so that I didn’t face displeasure from my parents, my teachers, or my friends. I simply didn’t know how to stand up and declare myself.

The Balancing Act: feel safe or feel good

I craved being accepted. But mostly, I wasn’t. At least not for my inside self.

I felt different. There was enough of the “big” truth that I remembered, that it was hard to believe what I was being taught. I was arrogant in my inner knowing. I’m sure the kids in my neighborhood responded to my inner tug-of-war. Since I had turned my back on myself, how could they not do the same?

Something had to go, so I let go of my inner knowing. I forgot. I swallowed what I was being told even as I fought it. My act of subversion became hiding out because only then it seemed that I was protected. 

Appearances, though, are often deceiving. Protection isn’t always what you need to feel good. 

The cloak of invisibility not only kept me from being seen, it kept me from myself. A fog of self-doubt crept in, obscuring that seed of inner knowing. I had a choice: nurture that seed into bloom or let invisibility continue to fog the truth.

The Strength in Standing Outside

Here’s the amazing gift I discovered. My journey to claim myself was the result of standing on the outside of the circles.

Let me explain.

I didn’t feel like I fit in. Believe me, I did try. I’d have walked backwards and upside down if that would have helped.

rememberYet stronger than craving acceptance was my desire to discover the more. The more that would fade from sight whenever I looked straight at it.

If I had fit in, I would have never gone looking for it. I would have settled.

What is true is that I would never have remembered the truth. Being outside the circle helped me understand that there was more to discover. I had to explore my inner terrain.

Truth is Invisible As Long As You Are

This is true for me now. I. Don’t. Want. To. Be. Invisible.

It turns out that you have to allow yourself to be seen to discover what has been hidden. You have to be willing to step into the light to find the light.

So, how does a visibility cape work?

A visibility cape gives you super powers.

Imagine wearing an exquisite garment that inspires the people who see you to be filled with love.

Feel the potency of your words igniting a light in your spouse…your child…your coworker or collaborator.

Picture yourself walking down the street feeling filled with radiance that anyone can see.

Envision your dreams becoming reality, grounded in knowing you are doing what you are meant to do.

Imagine feeling grateful to be you.

To Seek is to Remember

rememberThat’s the power of a visibility cape.

Sheathed in in your own true brilliance, your light shines into the dark corners around you. Others are invited to join you because they feel your truth calling to the truth inside of them.

You remember who you truly are, with all your power and glory.

I’ve set aside my invisibility cloak. (It’s in a safe spot in case of need.) These days, because of my own journey, I’ve stocked my shopping cart full of visibility capes for you. Illuminating words to unlock your remembering. Turaya Meditation to hasten your remembering. Turaya Touch to unlock blocked energy and reveal your gifts. Personal guidance and support to bring you home…to yourself.

I want you to remember the full truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God.

Decide what it is that you really want. Go forward. You only have to take the next step.

You are so needed. We have a world of creating to do. Join me?

Do you want to know more about how to thrive with your Quantum Connection? Schedule a Quantum Connection call with me. Discover your “Right Fit” next step. Reach out to me here to schedule a complimentary introductory session. 



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13 Responses

  1. Love this post Laurie. Just yesterday I was sharing with a friend that my biggest obstacle, and one that raises it’s ugly head from time to time, was letting go of my invisibility cloak. Very poignant, indeed.

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I’m sending your visibility cape via express mail! You have so much to offer…

  2. Oh Laurie, I want to wrap myself in your words. You have been on such a roll. I am so grateful you are wearing your visibility cape and inspiring me to wear mine. Love, Joni

    1. It seems to work like that, doesn’t it Joni? When we we our cape it inspires others to do the same. I love that! <3 Laurie

  3. I love watching you fly around the internet with your visibility cape on! With the release of a new book, I’m doing a *lot* more visibility “stuff” than while I was writing. Now when I dress to do a talk or a show? I’ll think of you and be sure to put on the right cape. Thanks!

    1. I love it, Andrea! You have such a beautiful visibility cape. I’ve noticed how it stands out in a crowded room…

  4. Totally understand what you’re saying. I recently removed the cloak of invisibility and it has been magnificent! It happened just what you said above “It turns out that you have to allow yourself to be seen to discover what has been hidden.” Thank you Laurie!

  5. What a powerful post, Laurie, that truly resonates with me in every way. I have also wanted to be invisible but have in these last few years found the courage to push myself forward. Thank you for writing such a beautiful expression of courage for women everywhere! <3 <3 <3

    1. Thank you so much Sheila! I love seeing how you have been shining your magnificent self. Laurie

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