We are, unquestionably, in tumultuous times. It is not that we have never felt uncertainty before. Of course we have. In fact, uncertainty and change have felt like a constant in much of my life. Perhaps that has been the case in yours, too. What had felt like a “Great Pause” in the world, now appears to be an opportunity for a “Grand Reset” in the way in which we live our lives.
Yes, opportunity. What do we need in order to rise to this opportunity? How could we, together, move into thriving? What is indeed required to thrive?
I know that there is much that is needed in the social, cultural, economic and political spheres. I am not ignoring that. The outer and the inner worlds reflect one another. But this is where my voice is strongest, so I begin here.
We must begin somewhere.
Required to Thrive
– inner resilience to ride the waves of change
– readiness to lead and to follow (self-leadership)
– the capacity to embrace change
– the ability to listen for inner guidance
– the willingness to take action from inner guidance
– inner balance (and the ability to regain your balance when thrown)
– refined gut instinct (Creative Intelligence)
– courage to stand in your truth
– profound surrender
– clarity of vision
– the willingness to incorporate life’s feedback
What is most important to you?
What would you add?
What do you want to strengthen?

Discover your Quantum Connection Style!
Why would you want to know that? Because trying to build your business in ways that fight your natural way of creating, could be what’s standing in the way of turning your ideas into reality. Click here to take the quiz now: Quantum Connection Style Quiz
2 Responses
Profound surrender is the one I’m working most on now!
That is a biggie, Barbara! And ongoing, as I find it.