What if Your Life was Transformed Overnight?
According to Webster’s Dictionary, transformation in the broadest sense implies “a change in the external appearance or inner nature.” The recent storm in the Eastern
According to Webster’s Dictionary, transformation in the broadest sense implies “a change in the external appearance or inner nature.” The recent storm in the Eastern
What if storms like “Sandy” are designed to show us what is needed in our lives?
What if….we acted in our daily lives from bipartisanship? Laurie Seymour and I focus regularly to review the next evolution of The Baca Journey. This
Thought creates form. Before something comes into form, it exists as a thought. The quality of your thoughts directly impacts what shows up in the
I live in Colorado where my community has once again been stunned by the most unimaginable violence. Each of us looks for some way to address
This past week a dear friend passed on. One of the insights it brought to me was a reminder about the importance of reflection in
There is a place of hope in many hearts that life can improve itself by knowing and experiencing Love. Love for another, and self-love. That
I remember my teacher Dawn, speaking of her experiences with Krishnamurti that happened early on in her journey. I was often struck by the profound
Do you question your purpose in life? Is there something you feel called to do? Maybe it shows up in your quiet moments, when you
Most of us have experienced times in our lives when we question whether we are taking the right direction, or ponder the wisdom of what we have done. But some of us may find ourselves in deeper trouble, where we question everything in our lives. Some of us may have even wondered whether there is any purpose in going on. Is life really worth living?
What's Your Quantum Connection Style?
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This will help give our conversation focus, so that together we can focus on your “Right Fit” next step.
I’ll be in touch shortly to set up our Quantum Connection call. I’m really looking forward to it!